Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Request for Admissions, First Interrogatories to Defendant, Plaintiff's First Request to Produce Documents | HelpForDebtors.com

Request for Admissions, First Interrogatories to Defendant, Plaintiff's First Request to Produce Documents | HelpForDebtors.com: "Because you're in GA and Target is based in MN, any records presented in court can be challenged as hearsay as they likely will not have a witness appearing from MN. The attorney cannot simply offer statements from Target as competent legal evidence of the debt. They must be able to produce a witness with first hand knowledge that the records presented were maintained in the regular course of business. An affidavit can be attacked in the same manner.

They will file a motion for summary judgment before trial. You must be sure to file an objection to their motion based on the inadequacy of their evidence."

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